Generated photos for demo data

Uncover the opportunities of synthetic visuals.
Icon - Hire synthetic humans for your demos
Hire synthetic humans for your demos
Unlock the potential of generated photos as demo data. Explore how these synthetic people can enhance your demonstrations, presentations, and prototypes, providing realistic visuals without the complexities of acquiring real-life images.
Image - Hire synthetic humans for your demos
Icon - Why you might need generated photos as demo data?
Why you might need generated photos as demo data?
Getting quality demo images for presentations and prototypes can be challenging and costly, often involving legal hurdles related to model releases and likeness rights. Additionally, achieving diversity and customization in demo materials poses significant obstacles.
Image - Why you might need generated photos as demo data?
Icon - How generated photos can help as demo data
How generated photos can help as demo data
With Generated Photos, you can pick up faces from our 2.6M gallery of photorealistic headshots or create your own models with human and face generators and use them wherever you want with no worries related to model releases, likeness rights, and other legal headaches.
Image - How generated photos can help as demo data

Advantages of using generated photos as demo data

Icon - Diversity
Generated photos provide unparalleled diversity, enabling you to effectively reach different audiences and demographics.
Icon - Customization
With our human and face generators, you can easily tailor synthetic humans to fit your brand aesthetic and messaging, allowing for greater creative control and customization in visual content creation.
Icon - Consistency
Our photos maintain consistent quality across all images, ensuring professionalism and coherence in demo materials and enhancing brand credibility and visual appeal.
Icon - Realistic representation
Realistic representation
Generated photos are virtually indistinguishable from real-life images, providing high realism and enhancing the credibility of presentations, prototypes, and projects.
Icon - No legal concerns
No legal concerns
We train our AI on model-released images we captured in our studio. So don’t fret over expensive legal issues such as personality rights, BIPA, GDPR, or royalties.
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